Tuesday, February 18, 2014


That is how I feel about this winter... relentless. It just feels as if it has been snow storm after snow storm after snow storm. The temperatures have remained below 30°F for weeks now so the snow hasn't melted a bit. It just keeps piling up. Our backyard is practically non existent, it is just feet of snow. Our poor little doggies only have access to the driveway to take care of their business.

As if all this snow everywhere wasn't enough, we have a warm front coming through in two days, bringing thunderstorms along with it. Rain plus the snow melt will most likely produce flooding. Flooding that will most likely end up in our basement. Grrrr. This is this worst winter we've endured here in Northeast Ohio in many, many moons. I can't wait for it to be over! Think Spring I keep telling myself! Think spring!! On a lighter note, the last pic is my adorable husband shoveling our elderly neighbors driveway after shoveling ours! <3 Love him!!

Keep your fingers crossed that we don't flood!!



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