It's been one month and four days since I broke a bone in my left foot. I had a Dr. appointment this morning for follow up x-rays, he says I'm healing perfectly fine and that we're right on track. But to me the x-rays look exactly the same as the last ones did. I feel so defeated! I just want out of this damn walking boot already! I'm a gypsy at heart, meaning in the summer you'll most likely find me barefoot, but nooooo, not this summer! This summer I'm clunking around in a heavy, sweaty, smelly boot. A boot that weighs a whopping one pound, thirteen ounces (yes, I weighed it with my postal scale, as if you wouldn't)... that's almost a two pound boot, imagine it if you will. Yeah, I'm going to have a pretty damn muscular left leg when this is all said and done. In two more weeks I go back for more x-rays and hopefully I'll be given the green light to throw out the boot. If that's the case... I'm throwing a party... a Burn the Boot Bash! Until then, I won't be hard to find, I'll just be clunking aboot...

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