Well, a lot has happened since I was here last. I got to spend some quality time with my niece, Abbigail and my nephew, Mason before their school year commences. I love these kids as if they were my own. It was fun to take them to estate sales with us and to see the different things they each picked out. Abbigail found lots of old dolls and teddy bears and Mason started a healthy cigar and wine box collection to store all his musical gear! I love to encourage young junkers to reuse, repurpose, and recycle instead of buying everything new!

I also hit a ton of estate sales on my own recently. 12 sales, 129 miles, and lots of treasures!
I totally needed lots of new merchandise as I was signed up to be a vendor at the August 10th Cleveland Flea. I did just that and ended up with tons of exciting "old" things to sell. The day turned out to be perfect... sunny and gorgeous but a tad bit windy! We definitely need to work on some weights for our tent, we spent a better part of the day holding on for dear life in fear it was about to blow away. We ended up making it through the day though without any major catastrophes, thankfully.
The last tid bit of news... I had a podiatrist appointment this past Tuesday morning and was given the go ahead to lose the boot!! YAY! My Doc said I still may need the boot if I experience any foot pain, but after two days of walking on it, the worst pain is actually in my ankle. It feels as though it has become weak from not being properly exercised for the past six weeks. The only other downer? I'm still not allowed to walk barefoot or in sandals for the next 3 weeks. I swear I will have spent this entire summer in either a boot or a shoe! Sigh... I guess there's a first time for everything!
Well, I'm off to go sit with Richard for a bit. He needs to change his guitar strings in preparation for his gig at the Lake County Fair tomorrow evening. And if I'm lucky, he may even practice for a bit and I'll get my own private show!
Til next time... and hopefully it won't be as long between blogs. G'night all, sweet dreams,